DLF is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2019 Forum Fellowship awards. These individuals, both from DLF member institutions and the wider GLAM community, show great dedication to their work and the field of digital libraries, and share in our community’s common goals. We look forward to learning from their insights and perspectives.
We would like to thank the Forum Scholarship Committee and our partners for their support of these fellows: the Association of Research Libraries, Library Juice Academy, and our GLAM partners, the American Institute for Conservation, Art Libraries Society of North America, and the Visual Resources Association.
Jump to: ARL+DLF Forum Fellows | DLF Student & New Professional Fellows | DLF Focus Fellows | | DLF International Fellows | DLF GLAM Cross-Pollinators
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ARL+DLF Fellows
Joan Hua
Joan Hua is an MLIS graduate student at the University of Washington Information School. Her professional experiences and interests concentrate on the intersection of digital scholarship, data curation, metadata, and critical digital pedagogy. Her ideal goal is to incorporate digital methods in the management of information in ways that help solve human problems and effect social change. She is currently conducting an internship at Washington State Department of Transportation on open data publishing. |
Mairelys Lemus-Rojas
Mairelys Lemus-Rojas is the Digital Initiatives Metadata Librarian at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Library where she is responsible for the strategic coordination and management of metadata for all digital collections. She supports the development of open knowledge and works toward exposing curated library data and increasing the representation of women scholars and artists in Wikidata. She holds an MSLIS from Florida State University with a concentration in Web Design/Technology & Networking and graduate certificates in Museum Studies and Information Architecture. |
Selena Ortega-Chiolero
Selena Ortega-Chiolero is currently a member of the Chickaloon Village Traditional Council (CVTC) staff where she is assisting the Tribe in establishing a formal Tribal Collections and Archives that will house the history and culture of the Ahtna Dené of Chickaloon Native Village in Southcentral Alaska. Selena has worked with an array of museums, galleries and non-profit organizations throughout California and Alaska. Her broad industry experience includes museum administration, development, curatorial, collections, exhibitions and programs. She holds degrees in both Art History and Asian Studies from California State University, Sacramento, and is currently completing the Museum Studies indigenous certification program through the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Selena has been a part of the museum community in Alaska for the past nine years and is currently serving as the Board Secretary and Advocacy Task Force Leader for Museums Alaska, Alaska’s statewide museum association. When Selena is away from her desk, she enjoys beading, learning new languages, reading and travelling with her husband, Richard, and their French Bulldog, Crash. |
Yvette Ramirez
Yvette Ramírez is an arts administrator, oral-historian, and a MSI candidate in Digital Archives and Library Science/Preservation at the School of Information at The University of Michigan. She is inspired by the power of community-centered archives to further explore the complexities of information access and memory within Latinx and Andean diasporic communities in the United States. Most recently she was a 2019 Studio Intern at the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO), where she initiated the sourcing and digitization process for The Bolivian Diaspora Archive Project in an effort to expand access to collections and broaden engagement with cultural heritage materials and data with Bolivian & overall Latinx communities. With nearly a decade of experience as a cultural producer, Yvette has worked alongside community-based and cultural organizations such as The Laundromat Project, Make The Road New York, New Immigrant Community Empowerment, The Noguchi Museum, and PEN America. In her spare time, Yvette is a co-founder and steward of Archivistas en Espanglish. |
Weiwei Shi
Weiwei Shi is the Digital Initiatives Applications Librarian at the University of Alberta. She leads the DI development team and manages the development activities to support DI applications and services to enable openness, diversity, and accessibility. She and her team support a wide range of applications such as the discovery services, digital assets management system, various repositories services, digital preservation, and research data management workflow. She has a strong interest in project management, user-centred design and web accessibilities focused on library applications. She has a BSc in management information systems from China and an MLIS from the University of Alberta. |
DLF Student & New Professional Fellows
Kerri Lee Alexander
Kerri Lee Alexander is the Education and Public History Fellow at the National Women’s History Museum. As a Fellow, she conducts research and develops content for the Museum’s online platform. In addition to creating biographies, exhibits, and articles, Kerri assists in the creation of public programming focused on the contributions of women. This February, she had the privilege of curating a digital exhibit on Sojourner Truth that was featured on the homepage of Google.com to kick off Black History Month. Through Google’s platform, her exhibit was able to reach over 343,000 people within the first day. Currently, she is also a Ph.D. student in the History Department at Howard University, where she serves as a Teaching Assistant and the inaugural Graduate Student Mentor for the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, in partnership with The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. She has several years of experience in nonprofit management, community organizing, and women’s history and cultural praxis. Kerri holds a Bachelor of Science in Arts Administration (Nonprofit Management) from Wagner College, and subsequently earned the Master of Arts in Theological Studies with Certificates in Black Church Studies and Theology, Women and Gender from Princeton Theological Seminary. |
Javier S. Garibay
Javier Garibay is currently serving as the Dance Preservation and Digital Projects Librarian at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California. He received his M.L.I.S. at the University of California, Los Angeles in 2015. Javier completed his undergraduate work in Politics and Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He was selected as an ALA Emerging Leader in 2018 and was selected for the New Professional Programme by the International Council on Archives in 2017. Within librarianship, his interests include digital libraries, archives, and outreach |
Sarah Nguyen
Sarah Nguyen (@snewyuen) is an advocate for open, accessible, and secure technologies. While studying as a Master of Library and Information Science candidate at the University of Washington iSchool, she is expressing research interests through a few gigs: Project Coordinator for Preserve This Podcast at METRO, AssistantResearch Scientist for Investigating & Archiving the Scholarly Git Experience at NYU Libraries, Instructional Design Technologist at CUNY City Tech Open Education Resources Program, and Archivist for the Dance Heritage Coalition/Mark Morris Dance Group. Offline, she can be found riding a Cannondale mtb or practicing movement through dance. |
Angel Su
Angel Su is an Electronic Resources and Metadata Services Intern at the University of Toronto Libraries where she focuses on the enhancement of metadata in bibliographic records to optimize the discoverability of digital collections for users. She is currently pursuing a Master of Information in Library and Information Science and User Experience Design at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. In addition to developing her skills in electronic resource management, user research and interface design, Angel also enjoys pursuing projects in cataloging, usability testing and computer literacy instruction. |
DLF Focus Fellows
Doyin Adenuga
Library Juice Academy Focus Fellow
Doyin Adenuga has an MLIS degree from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, and has been a librarian for four years. He has spent ten years in computer/systems support in Nigeria, as well as five years as technology coordinator/assistant editor at a textbook publishing center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he became interested in providing support to users of information. He is interested primarily in the world of digital librarianship. Doyin started his library career during iSchool @ UBC co-op term as DSpace Cataloguer, and is currently the Electronic Resources Librarian at Houghton College, where he has installed and maintains a DSpace system. The public interface of DSpace @ Houghton College only provides searching and browsing of its multiple collections, while other features of this institutional repository system are disabled. You can find him on Twitter at @nugadoy. |
Jessica Farrell
Jess Farrell is the Project Manager for BitCuratorEdu and Community Coordinator for the Software Preservation Network. Previously, she was Curator of Digital Collections at Harvard Law School Library, Assistant Archivist at McDonald’s Corporation and Armstrong-Johnston Archival Services, and Project Archivist at the Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture. Jess received her MLIS from the University of South Carolina (2011) and BA from the College of Charleston. She coordinates the Digital Library Federation’s Born-Digital Access Working Group and is the current Chair of the Electronic Records Section of the Society of American Archivists. |
Andreas Orphanides
Andreas Orphanides is Associate Head, User Experience at the NC State University Libraries. His work focuses on developing high-quality, thoughtfully designed solutions to support teaching, learning, and information discovery. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Oberlin College, a Master of Science in Library Science from UNC-Chapel Hill, and a Master of Computer Science from NC State University. His professional interests include human factors, systems analysis, and design ethics. |
Amy Wickner
DLF International Fellows
Samir Hachani
Samir Hachani, lecturer at the School of Library Science, University of Algiers. I hold a PhD from Algiers University titled “The Future of peer review and the challenge of open access.” I graduated from The School of Library and Information Management (University of Southern California, Los Angeles) with a Master of Science in Library Science. I have published extensively in the subjects of peer review, open peer review, open access, digital divide and related fields. I currently teach courses pertaining to the above cites subjects such as electronic publishing, open access, electronic periodicals and English language for librarians. I’m a member of a number of professional association and Vice President of “Association Science et Bien Commun” (Science and Common Goods Association) that militates for equal access to information to everybody and fights exclusion on the basis of geographical settings. I have authored more than 10 peer reviewed papers and participated in more than 20 international conferences. At the national level, I participate in a project pertaining to Algerian scientific journals (ASJP –Algerian Scientific Journals Platform) and that aims to bring them up to par with international criteria. I am peer reviewer for a number of scientific journals at the national, regional, and international level. |
Raquel Vázquez Llorente
Raquel Vázquez Llorente is a Senior Legal Advisor at eyeWitness, an organisation that works at the intersection of technology and international justice. eyeWitness has developed award-winning technology that authenticates and safely stores digital material to be used towards accountability for core international crimes—specifically war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Raquel helps bridge the gap between human rights defenders on the frontlines and investigators or prosecutors by providing technological and legal expertise. Since their launch in 2015, their dossiers have been inserted into investigations and analysis conducted by United Nations Commissions, domestic war crimes units and courts, and international tribunals and institutions. Raquel has worked in conflict and post-conflict environments in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia on a range of international criminal law and human rights issues. She is a Visiting Scholar at the Human Rights Center (UC Berkeley School of Law) and at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights (University of Oxford), where she is looking at how digital archives built by civil society can contribute to justice for the most heinous crimes. |
GLAM Cross-Pollinators
Kristin MacDonough
AIC Affiliate
As the Grainger Fellow in Time-Based Media Conservation at the Art Institute of Chicago, Kristin MacDonough is developing new protocols and procedures for acquiring and preserving time-based media artworks at the museum. Conveniently, her current position is located across the street from her previous job as the Digitization Specialist at the Video Data Bank; her work at VDB was very much informed by her role as a technician in the 2013 exhibition XFR STN at the New Museum of Contemporary Art. A member of the Chicago Area Archivists, she also coordinates the Audiovisual Materials Interest Group within the organization. Kristin is a 2013 graduate of the Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program at New York University, a founding member of XFR Collective, and a past participant of the Audiovisual Preservation Exchange (APEX) program (Colombia 2014 and Uruguay 2015). Outside of work, Kristin organizes training workshops on video preservation, enjoys dog-sitting, and was recently introduced to kayaking. |
Alex O’Keefe
ARLIS/NA Affiliate
Alex O’Keefe is the Arts Digital Projects Librarian at the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library at Yale University, and an active member of the Art Library Society of North America (ARLIS/NA). She currently serves as the 2019-2021 Co-Moderator of Art Library Students & New ARLIS Professionals (ArLiSNAP) within ARLIS/NA, and recently presented a poster about social media strategic planning at the47th Annual Conference. Her current work at the Haas Arts Library focuses on Ensemble@Yale, a crowdsourced transcription project aiming to create a database of Yale theater history from over 900 programs. This project combines data normalization, design thinking, volunteer outreach, and event planning. Her general library interests include all things data, addressing GLAM silos, gamification, outreach strategies, and collaborative projects. You can find her on Twitter: @aok_librarian. |
Christopher Sawula
VRA Affiliate
Christopher Sawula is the Visual Resources Librarian in the Art History Department at Emory University. He received his PhD in History in 2014 and his scholarly work examines the origins of laboring identity in early America. In his capacity supporting spatial art history projects, he focuses on digital publishing, GIS mapping, and data visualization, archival data curation. He can be found on Twitter at @csawula. |